There was an amazing sense of joy when the lovely Gail from The Widow's Walk, sent me a message that said my Relay for Life goal had been met...and even more when all of the amazing people I've met this year, from all over the world gave to help search for a cure to that terrible monster we call Cancer....

And watched them spread their wings and fly into new experiences...
I sat exactly where I am now last New Years eve, and made a list of resolutions....this is what it said....This year I a handmade shop where I can help raise money for the Relay for Life. I will enjoy the fact that I am able to stay home with my kids and appreciate every moment that I get to spend with them, and I will try my hardest to be the best wife and mother I can be.
I can honestly say I have done all of those, and so much more...a lot of it due to the help of all of you wonderful friends.
My resolutions for this year are simply to continue what WE have started...I will begin asking for donations for the Relay for Life auction in the beginning of January, I am trying to come up with something that can be put into the shop that ALL profits from it would go to the American Cancer Society, I will begin working on the Relay for Life quilt for this years Relay. I will continue to try my hardest to appreciate every day that I am given with my family and friends. I will take more pictures, make more memories, hug more and cry less....and I promise to take the best care of myself that I can.
I am amazed and thrilled that you all have joined me on this journey, and would be so happy if you continued it with me....I promise, it'll never be :)
Have a wonderful New Years........hug the ones you love...and maybe just for at someone just to make them wonder what you're thinking....
I am happy to have joined you on your journey, and will continue to do so my new found friend! Happy New Year to you and your family~may 2011 be filled with happiness, health, and success. Hugs Helen X
stopping by from Link Love :) Tracy @
You take amazing pictures!
I'd like to take this opportunity to give you the "Stylish Blogger Award" for your awesomely stylish blog! :)
This award is passed on from blogger to blogger. I received the award from someone, and I'm passing it on to others.
If you choose to accept the award, write seven things about yourself in a blog post, then pass the award to 15 other recently discovered blogs you think deserve an award, too.
You can see my post and the link for the award here:
Such a beautiful blog! Glad we've been introduced through Etsy..
Like ships passing in the night. Farewell, good luck, nice blog.
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