I'm pretty sure I've never shared this with most of you, but growing up, I lived in a house that my family and I believe was haunted by a not so nice spirit. Several strange things happened in that house, including the fact that I was scratched by what ever it was that was there. Things would slide back and forth in the closets, things would fall out of our cabinets, our dog would go crazy in the middle of the night for no reason at all. You could feel the strange energy in there.
Needless to say, I am a believer. I've had many things happen to me since then that has confirmed (in my head) that we are not alone, and quite honestly, I'm ok with that. In fact it's very intriguing to me.

The house we live in now, isn't all that old, but neither was the one I grew up in. Strange things have always happened around me, so I guess I notice them, but never thought about it......until recently.

I have several old things in my house, things that were owned by people in my family long ago, things that my dad and I found while looking through old mining houses in the Adirondack mountains. I love old things that people touched and used..books, door knobs, tea cups, eye glasses, tools, mirrors, dressers.....and an old rocking chair.... I also have an old light fixture from a stage coach stop. I actually acquired it when I was bartending. We would always smell cigar smoke when no one was there, and always joked that it was from the ghost that came with that fixture.
When Brian and I started smelling cigar smoke, we never thought about it, until I talked to a friend that I bartended with and she mentioned they hadn't smelled cigars like that ever since I left with that fixture. Then it clicked.
You see, in my house, you smell cigar smoke, although no one is smoking, the dining room chairs get pushed out after they are pushed in, shadows are seen where no one is standing and you can just FEEL someone standing next to you when you are in bed. The newest happening is one of the Halloween decorations we have out, which is a motion activated life size butler, goes off when no one is around him...he's just standing there...talking to himself....
Do YOU believe???
Happy haunting....hugs..
That's pretty spooky!
I believe it's likely there's a lot out there that we (humans) cannot completely detect/comprehend. Unlike you, though, I'm not completely okay with it! LOL. I guess I just frighten very, very easily.
LOL, Don't get me wrong Julie, there's been many times when I'm washing my face and I'm get that feeling, and it scares the begezes outa me that I'm going to look up into the mirror and there's going to be something looking back at me...lol
I absolutely believe! Not crazy, but saw a ghost when I was a kid at the French Legation in Austin. An old woman was sitting there in her "kitchen" just watching all of the kids looking around her house. She wasn't scary, she actually seemed really happy to have people in her home. So yes, I believe. Huge ghost hunters fan..but can't watch it alone or I will freak out!!
LOL Amber! I can't watch em alone either!!
I too believe! I lived in a house that was built in the 1800s and if you looked around quickly, you could see the shadow of women cooking or carrying big pots or baskets! Fortunately they were friendly, like we were coexisting in this beautiful little house, across time...and they didn't smoke cigars so that was a bonus!! :)
Ha.. I just made my husband read this post and he said, "no way, we would have to move and all that haunted stuff goes in a garage sale." He is a wimp too!
roflol!! My son is constantly saying he's going to sell all my "old haunted stuff" !!
I truly believe! I grew up in an old farm house in NC that was built right after the civil war. We believe that we had ghosts (friendly, though). More than once, I almost broke my neck when I turned around and had to try to avoid stepping on the baby crawling on the floor by my feet. Thing is...we didn't have a baby in the house. And the baby wasn't there once I'd regained my balance and looked around. My parents still live there, and I love the house!
SPOOOOOOOOKKKKKYYYYYY Melissa!!! I believe there are at least 2 in the house I am in now... one I think is a little girl, and I swear I could see her when I washed my face upstairs...I'm not sure how to explain it, but I could feel her behind me and could see her when my eyes were closed. So much so that I stopped using that bathroom to wash my face! The other is the one I talked about in the blog, I think he's an older gentleman. They don't seem to want to harm anyone, unlike when I was younger, but they certainly like to play!
Deb, that would be soooo strange to see people just going about their business in my house!! Unless of course they offered to cook dinner!! And yes, the cigar smoke...but I guess it's his way of saying hi so we've gotten used to it...lol
Yep, I believe! Having had similar experiences, the Butler must be really un-nerving sometimes~ EEEKS!
Living with Dead Peoples' Stuff has that affect on some of us. I must blog about my "vortex" experience that nearly floored me, literally. Shook me to my core, and I KNEW exactly WHO it was when it occurred...shivers~
It's always a good thing to keep an open mind, as long as you hold the "key" to lock out the bad stuff ;)
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