A few posts ago, I mentioned that I'd love to do features on my readers shops....and the first response I got was from Megan from Moss Mountain...ssoo off I went to explore!! :)
How cute were the things that I found in her "little" shop!!
She makes tinee tiny animals out of felt, and ooo they are adorable!!
She pulled me into the shop even more when I read her profile:
The mouse is Dreary, and the mouse makes things out of felt, eats fruit, hoards cash, haunts book shops, sips tea, wears patterned socks, listens to Enya, covets shiny things, E-mails the world, thinks about elves and fairies and gnomes, writes poetry, reads children's classics, wants crafty books, makes granola, adores plushies, collects stickers, dreams about what might have been, hates the taste of fresh tomatos, loves dried cherries, eats lots of celery, scurries around, does nothing, does much, blinks at you in the long, lonely dark.
Can't you picture a little mouse running around just like that!! It was a total vision in my head!!
Of course I was a little more biased when I realized that we shared a birthday!! :)
I think this one is my favorite...

or maybe it's this one...
She may call herself Dreary Mouse, but I think her little shop is whimsical, and sweet as can be...
Thank you Megan!! I had so much fun in your shop!! All of your little guys brightened up my rainy day!!
And Happy Early Birthday from a fellow Piscean!!
I wanted to thank Elizabeth at
Paradise Purls for honoring me with another Sunshine award!!
Elizabeth has a great
Etsy shop with all kinds of knits and jewelry!!
So run now and check out both of these great gals!!!