Monday, November 8, 2010

A Little About Life.....

Looking into my house right now, it's a!!  A good loud, but loud none the less...
My oldest daughter, Lauren, who is 7, has been having some problems focusing...she's always been one that danced to the beat of her own drum, but recently, that took on a whole new meaning.
Lauren is a very bright girl, very out going, just full of life.  She dances, sings, and if there's music, she's the happiest girl ever.  Lately, I have been having problems getting her attention, keeping her focus, and so has her teacher apparently.
SOOOOOOOOOOO....momma started paying very close attention to different things that she did, and what kept her attention, and how she learned....and I started to notice a pattern..........Everything Lauren did, she did to a beat...she spelled to a beat, she gave answers to questions to a beat....then, momma did a little research.....seems that children with ADHD or ADD, and kids that have other problems focusing, not only focus better with music, but excel at music....
Lauren can wiz through homework with her ipod jammed in her ears, and make no mistakes....but if she doesn't have takes forEVER....

 So daddy found her a set of used drums....and that child has amazed me....she's been playing since this past Saturday....and is playing like she's done it all of her life...I thought it was her daddy playing only to open the basement door and see Lauren sitting there, totally absorbed in the beat.... I was over whelmed...this beautiful little girl, who has caused me many a night mare because I can't get her attention...was living in that music....

  Those little hands doing more things at once than I ever could...and sounding so amazing, I didn't care how loud it was....

it was beautiful....
<3 hugs,


Groovy Pumpkin said...

Hi Heather, this brought tears to my eyes - what a lovely blog post.

It's so great to see your children doing so well at something, even if they have problems elsewhere. Good for her - so glad you've been able to pick up on this. Is there anything else you can do to help her concentrate - does the Dr know - they can give lots of advice I expect.

Hope you are ok.

Take care,
Jane xx

Heather said...

It really was amazing Jane. I'm pretty sure my words couldn't ever explain how I felt :) I have a conference with her teacher this week, so I'm anxious to see what she suggests as well. Her report card was perfect, so it's not disrupting how SHE learns at school, but I know that it has to be disruptive if she's getting in trouble. I want to be able to help the teacher too. After the teacher, we'll move to the doctor if we can't come to a consensus...

My Dream Garden said...

I'm so impressed with your observations of your daughter. How difficult it is to really take in the what's, where's, why's of our children's lives. When my daughter was about four, I found she had what is now called ADHD. Thank goodness for talk shows. They gave me food for thought and research. Today she's such a vibrant woman with a nine-year-old daughter of her own. She's a wonderful mother who is concerned about everything in her daughter's life and has told me that she will raise Hailey just like I raised her. It all comes back to you. All we can hope to do, aside from nurture our spousal relationships, is to give our best efforts to our kids. What a lovely child you have.